The Book of Joy Reading Guide
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 1
- Pages 1-64 - Introduction, Arrival: We Are Fragile Creatures, The Nature of True Joy
- Pages 309-314 - Joy Practices: Developing Mental Immunity, Morning Intention Setting, Overcoming Obstacles to Joy, Morning Meditation Walk or Exercise
Week 2
- Pages 67-123 - Lunch: The Meeting of Two Mischievous People Is Wonderful, Obstacles to Joy: You Are a Masterpiece in the Making, Fear, Stress and Anxiety (I Would Be Very Nervous), Frustration and Anger (I Would Shout), Sadness and Grief (The Hard Times Knit Us More Closely Together, Despair (The World Is in Such Turmoil)
- Pages 315- top of 320 - Joy Practices: Fear, Anger, and Sadness – An Analytic Meditation, Frustration and Anger – A prayer,
Week 3
- Pages 125-168 - Obstacles to Joy (cont.): Loneliness (No Need for Introduction), Envy (That Guy Goes Past Yet Again in His Mercedes-Benz), Suffering and Adversity (Passing Through Difficulties), Illness and Fear of Death (I Prefer to Go to Hell)
- Pages 320-328 - Joy Practices: Loneliness – A Common Humanity Practice, Envy – A Mudita Practice, Suffering, Adversity and Illness – A Lojong Practice, Suffering, Adversity and Illness of Others – A Tonglen Practice, Silent Retreat, Death Meditation
Week 4
- Pages 171-222 - Meditation (Now I’ll Tell You a Secret Thing), The Eight Pillars of Joy, 1. Perspective, 2. Humility, 3. Humor
- Pages 329-334 - Joy Practices- Cultivating the Eight Pillars of Joy: Perspective, Humility – A Lojong Practice, Laughing at Ourselves to Develop Humor
Week 5
- Pages 223-275 - The Eight Pillars of Joy (cont.), 4. Acceptance, 5. Forgiveness, 6. Gratitude, 7. Compassion, 8. Generosity
- Pages 334-345 - Joy Practices: Acceptance (A Meditation), The Fourfold Path of Forgiveness, Journaling for Gratitude, Compassion Meditation, Compassion (A Prayer), Compassion (A Fast), Generosity Practices, Joy Meditation (The Eight Pillars)
Week 6
- Pages 277-305 - Celebration: Dancing in the Streets of Tibet, Departure: A Final Goodbye
- Pages 342-348 - Joy Practices